Meaning of Numbers in the Bible
The Number 818

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Meaning of Numbers: The Number 818

The possible meaning of the number 818 is partly derived from Biblical history and well as the occurrence of certain original language words.'s Old Testament timeline places the creation of man in 3969 B.C. 818 years after this event brings us to 3151 B.C.

In 3151 the first eight patriarchs, which represent the first eight generations of humans on planet earth, are still alive! These patriarchs are Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch and Methuselah. Enoch, who was born in 3347 B.C. and possibly died "young," was 196 years old 818 years after Adam was created.

Appearances of Number Eight Hundred Eighteen

Strong's Concordance's Hebrew listing 818 is the word ashem. Used only three times in the original language of the Bible's Old Testament, it refers to someone who is guilty of sin. Joseph's brothers, who had sold him into slavery, later felt guilty of sin for what they had done (Genesis 42:21). Those who felt they committed a sin, under the Old Covenant, were obliged to make a guilt (trespass) offering to God.

And they (Israelite men who had married foreign women) gave their hands that they would put away their women. And being guilty (ashem), they offered a ram of the flock for their sin (Ezra 10:19, HBFV).

Jehu and the Number 818

King Jehu rules over the Kingdom of Israel (northern ten tribes) in 818 B.C. Judah's king in 818 was Joash who was mostly a good ruler. Jehu's rise to power and his reign, which ran from 841 to 814 B.C., was rather unique.

God first had a prophet anoint Jehu Israel's new king. Before he could assume the throne, however, the Lord tasked him with ending the then current Omride ruling dynasty (2Kings 9:1 - 10). This evil dynasty started with Omri (885 - 874 B.C.), after which his notorious son Ahab ruled followed by his two sons.

Jehu first killed Israel's current king with an arrow (2Kings 9:21 - 24). He then killed Judah's King Ahaziah (verses 27 - 29). He was also tasked with ending the life of Ahab's evil wife Jezebel, which he accomplished by having her tossed out of a high window (verses 30 - 37). He then proceeded to assassinate all 70 of Ahab's sons and his close relatives, as well as killing 42 relatives of Judah's king (2Kings 10). He lastly had the priests of the pagan god Baal killed.

God was so impressed with how Jehu carried out his will that he promised him that four generations of his descendants would also occupy his throne (2Kings 10:30). Jehu's ruling dynasty was the longest in the Kingdom of Israel's history, lasting 88 years, doubling the number of years Omri and his descendants ruled (44 years).

More Info on Biblical Meaning of 818

818 is equal to 2 x 409, both of which are prime numbers.

818 has subtle appearances in the King James Bible. The eighth chapter of 2Samuel has 18 verses. The other Old Testament chapters 2Chronicles 8, Nehemiah 8 and Ezekiel 8, also all have 18 verses (818).

Strong's Concordance's Greek listing 818 is the word atimazo. It is written only six times in the Greek version of the New Testament. It is a word that means to dishonor, insult or to otherwise render something infamous or contemptable.

Jesus answered, "I do not have a demon. But I honor My Father, and you (the Jews) dishonor (atimazo) Me (John 8:49, HBFV).

Then they (the apostles) departed from the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were accounted worthy to suffer shame (atimazo) for His name (Acts 5:41, HBFV).

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Prophecy Numbers   -   Numerology
Creation's Numerics   -   Further Study

Series References
Number in Scripture: Its Supernatural
Design and Spiritual Significance

Quotes related to the
meaning of the number 818 taken from
Holy Bible Faithful Version (HBFV)