A Unique Writing
The existence and perspective of Acts is derived from its author. It was written by Luke who was the only New Testament writer who was a Gentile (as opposed to Jewish) convert to Christianity. He was an educated man (Colossians 4:14) whose focus on details gives the book its flavor.
Luke's purpose for writing Acts was historical as it was meant to record what took place after Jesus' ascension for a patron named Theophilus (see Luke 1:1 - 3, Acts 1:1 - 2).
Acts is also uniquely positioned in the Bible. It comes after the four gospel accounts which focus on the life, teachings and sacrifice of Jesus which are the cornerstone of the New Covenant. It also comes before the epistles whose purpose is to spread, explain, expand upon and defend what he taught. Acts, therefore, serves as a bridge between these two critically important Biblical sections.
Acts 1 to 5
30 to 31 A.D.
The book opens by declaring Jesus appeared alive for 40 days (Sunday April 9 to Thursday May 18 in 30 A.D.) before ascending to heaven. 120 believers, after his ascension, reside in Jerusalem to await receiving God's power (Acts 1:3 - 14).
[What Does Number 40 Symbolize?]
Prior to Pentecost two men are selected to replace Judas. Lots are then cast which choose Matthias to become the 12th apostle (Acts 1:15 - 26).
On Pentecost (May 28) the Jerusalem disciples receive God's spirit. Peter's preaching on the same day leads to 3,000 more conversions. The new believers stay in the city and share in the blessings of fellowship (Acts 2).
[What Is the Meaning of Pentecost?]
[Where Did the First Christians Live?]
A man, born lame, is healed by Peter (with John in tow) at Jerusalem's temple. The apostle's subsequent preaching leads to 5,000 new Christians! Jewish religious leaders arrest the pair but release them without punishment. The early church boldly spreads the gospel as it provides the basic needs to new believers (Acts 3 - 4).

Ananias and Sapphire sell property then lie to the early church about their donation. Their punishment is being struck dead by God (Acts 5:1 - 11)!
More signs and wonders, through the apostles, take place which leads to more believers. Although envious Jewish religious leaders have them put in prison, they are miraculously freed. They are arrested again and held until Gamaliel, a well-respected Pharisee, councils the Sanhedrin to leave them alone. The leaders decide to warn the apostles and also have them beaten. The gospel, in spite of this, continues to be preached unabated (Acts 5:12 - 42).
Acts 6 to 8
32 A.D.
A problem develops where poor Greek speaking Christian widows are not receiving sufficient aid from the church. To fix this problem, the apostles have the brethren select seven men who will ensure everyone is served fairly (Acts 6:1 - 6).
[What Does Number 7 Symbolize?]
Stephen, one of the seven men selected to serve, performs wonders and great signs in Jerusalem. These wonders attract Greek speaking Jews who are unable to refute what he teaches. Frustrated, they arrange false witnesses to testify against Stephen before the Sanhedrin (Acts 6:7 - 15).
Stephen's long defense and stinging condemnation of the Jews earns him the fury of the council. They form a mob and stone Stephen to death, making him the first Christian martyr (Acts 7).
A young Pharisee named Saul (Paul), who witnessed Stephen's murder, begins an organized mass persecution of believers. His zeal to stamp out Christian beliefs among the Jews, which scatters the Jerusalem church, actually helps the gospel spread far and wide (Acts 8:1 - 4)!
Philip the evangelist (see Acts 21:8) brings the gospel to Samaria along with amazing miracles. A sorcerer named Simon Magus, seeing the power of God's spirit, approaches Peter thinking he can buy the gift. He is sternly condemned by the apostle for his evil intentions. Philip is then guided to baptize an Ethiopian man, after which he is miraculously transported to Azotus where he continues preaching (8:5 - 40).
Acts 9:1 - 25
33 A.D.
Saul continues to ferociously persecute Christians. He travels to Damascus with authority to arrest synagogue attendees who believe in Jesus. In the spring he is confronted by Jesus' heavenly voice and rendered blind. After he repents he is healed, baptized and immediately begins preaching. Local Jews, angered at Saul and wanting him dead, force him to escape the city and travel to Arabia.
Acts 9:26 - 31
36 A.D.
Saul, after spending three years in Arabia being taught by Jesus (Galatians 1:15 - 18), returns to Damascus. He then travels to Jerusalem and stays for 15 days. Barnabas introduces a now converted Saul (Apostle Paul) to the church. Paul meets with both Peter and James (Galatians 1:18 - 19).
[Did Paul Start a Church in Tarsus?]
Paul's incredibly zealous preaching quickly earns death threats. The church sends Paul back home to Tarsus through Caesarea.
Acts 9:32 - 43
37 to 38 A.D.
Peter evangelizes Lydda and Joppa. In Joppa he resurrects Dorcas from the dead. After this rare miracle he stays quite a while in the city.
[Life of Apostle Peter Timeline]
Acts 10:1 - 11:18
38 A.D.
Cornelius, a Gentile living in Caesarea, has a vision that instructs him to send for Peter. Shortly after the apostle arrives at Cornelius' home he, his family, and even his close friends become Christians! Peter then stays several days (Acts 10).
Peter, arriving in Jerusalem, reports to the church that God is calling Gentiles to repent and believe the gospel (Acts 11:1 - 18).
Acts 11:19 - 25
39 to 40 A.D.
The church, scattered after Stephen's death, preaches the gospel in several places. When the gospel reaches Syrian Antioch a great many Gentiles become converted. Barnabas, when he arrives in the city, senses that the growing church needs help. He tracks down Paul in Tarsus and brings him to Antioch to help serve the new Christians.
[Location of New Testament Churches!]
Acts 11:26
41 A.D.
Paul and Barnabas stay in Syrian Antioch for one year serving and teaching its fast growing church.
Acts 11:27 - 29
42 to 43 A.D.
Agabus, a prophet, travels to Antioch and predicts a great worldwide famine will soon occur. This famine will ultimately last from 43 to 45 A.D. The church's response to this warning is to plant additional crops and prepare to send aid to those in Jerusalem.
Acts 11:30 - 13:3
Spring 44 A.D.
In the spring of 44 those in Syrian Antioch send food and relief to Jerusalem escorted by Paul and Barnabas.
Herod Agrippa I, near the spring Holy Day season, begins to persecute the church. He first arrests and kills the apostle James (John's brother) and then arrests Peter. An angel, however, frees him from prison. Herod, the day after Peter is freed, executes his guards (Acts 12:1 - 19).
Herod travels to Tyre and Sidon where God strikes him dead likely with a plague of worms (Acts 12:20 - 23).
Paul and Barnabas take Mark and return to Syrian Antioch. Both Paul and Barnabas are then ordained apostles and given the commission, by God, to evangelize (Acts 12:24 - 13:3).
Acts 13:4 - 14:27
Late Spring 44 to Fall 46 A.D.
Paul begins his first missionary journey as an apostle. Paul, Barnabas and Mark reach Salamis on Cyprus and begin preaching. Traveling to Paphos they run into a false prophet whom Paul blinds for his opposition to the gospel. The group then travels to Perga where Mark abandons the apostles (Acts 13:4 - 13).
[Paul's First Missionary Journey Map]
Paul's evangelism in Pisidian Antioch not only leads to a church forming but also to Jews hating him. Paul and Barnabas are soon persecuted and expelled from the city. They then travel to Iconium where their teachings start another new church. God also grants the two apostles the ability to perform many wonders and miracles (Acts 14:3). Resistance to the gospel, however, pushes them out of Iconium and to Lystra (13:14 - 14:6).
Paul's healing of a Lystra cripple leads to the pair being worshipped then, shortly thereafter, being persecuted! Paul is stoned, left for dead, and miraculously saved by God. The two men then go to evangelize Derbe starting yet another church. They retrace their steps through the cities they preached in and make it back to Syrian Antioch (Acts 14:7 - 27).
Acts 14:28
Fall 46 to Late Summer 49 A.D.
Paul and Barnabas stay in Antioch serving the local church.
Acts 15:1 - 35
Summer to Late Fall 49 A.D.
Heated discussions in Antioch take place concerning whether or not Gentile converts needed to be circumcised. Paul, Barnabas and others travel to Jerusalem to settle the issue.
After much debate it is decided, in what is known as the Jerusalem Conference, that Gentile converts do not have to be circumcised in order to be saved. Paul, Barnabas and Silas then journey to Antioch with a letter summarizing the church's decision. They stay in the city for several days.
Acts 15:36 - 41
Late Fall 49 A.D.
Paul proposes revisiting churches started during his first missionary journey. He has a heated argument, however, with Barnabas over taking Mark with them. It is decided Barnabas will take Mark and travel to Cyprus while Paul and Silas will revisit churches in Galatia.
Acts 15:41 - 17:34
Late Fall 49 to Late Summer 50 A.D.
Paul begins his second missionary journey. Both he and Silas first travel to Tarsus in Cilicia and then to the Galatian cities of Derbe, Lystra, Iconium and Pisidian Antioch. In Lystra Paul meets Timothy who accompanies the pair on their travels.
[Paul's Second Missionary Journey Map]
The men travel west in Asia Minor and, after God redirects the group, find themselves in Troas. After Luke joins the group God inspires Paul to evangelize Europe.
The men sail to Neapolis and then walk to Philippi. Paul's evangelism in the city leads to Lydia and her household being baptized on Pentecost in 50 A.D. (Acts 16:13 - 15).
Paul's casting out of a demon from a female slave leads to him and Silas being arrested, beaten and put in prison. They are, however, miraculously released which leads to the jailer and his family becoming Christians.
[The Unknown Churches of Paul!]
The journey continues with the group going to Thessalonica and Berea. Although the gospel leads to many more new Christians, it also leads to persecution. Paul is chased away to Athens while Timothy and Silas stay in Berea. The apostle's evangelism in Athens leads to only a relatively few conversions.
Acts 18:1 - 22
Late Summer 50 to Fall 52 A.D.
Paul travels to Corinth and makes friends with Priscilla and Aquila. Silas and Timothy then arrive in the city. Paul's evangelism leads to the city's first Christian group forming which grows rapidly. After staying in Corinth for a year and a half he, along with Priscilla and Aquila, travel to Cenchrea. The apostle then shaves his head due to a vow and the three of them set sail for Ephesus.
[What Was Ephesus' Ancient Wonder?]
Paul only briefly stays in Ephesus before sailing to be in Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. After the Feast ends on October 5 in 52 A.D. he travels to Syrian Antioch.
Acts 18:23
Fall 52 to Summer 53 A.D.
Paul stays in Syrian Antioch for several months. Peter visits Syrian Antioch during the spring Holy Day season of 52 A.D. His decision to eat only with Jewish Christians, and shun Gentile converts, earns him a pointed public rebuke from Paul (see Galatians 2:11 - 20).
Acts 18:23 - 28
Summer 53 to Fall 54 A.D.
Paul starts his third missionary journey by leaving Syrian Antioch to revisit Tarsus and the churches in Galatia.
[Paul's Third Missionary Journey Map]
Apollos, an excellent speaker, shows up in Ephesus. His incomplete knowledge of Scripture is brought up to date by Priscilla and Aquila who are still in the city. Apollos then decides to travel to Corinth where he serves the brethren.
Acts 19:1 - 20:3
Fall 54 to Winter 57 A.D.
Paul travels to Ephesus and stays for a long time establishing and expanding the city's first Christian church. During this time God performs amazing miracles through the apostle such as causing handkerchiefs he touches to both heal people and cast out demons!
[New Testament Miracles Timeline]
The power of the gospel was such that countless people who practiced the black arts burned their occult books.
Over time idol makers in Ephesus grow alarmed at the spread of the gospel. A meeting of such craftsmen, organized by a local silversmith, breaks out into a riot that seeks Paul's life. The apostle, kept from addressing the riot, later leaves for Macedonia.
Paul spends three months going through Macedonia and visiting the church at Corinth.
Acts 20:3 - 21:17
Early 58 A.D. to Pentecost
Paul travels through Macedonia and ends up in Troas for the spring Holy day season. While in the city he resurrects a man who had accidently fallen out of a high window (Acts 20:7 - 11). After keeping these Holy days he begins his long travel toward Jerusalem.
[What Miracles Did Paul Experience?]
In Miletus the apostle arranges to meet with Ephesian elders to warn them about a coming apostasy in the church. He then takes a ship to Tyre where he stays will fellow believers for one week (Acts 21:5 - 6). Leaving Tyre he goes to Ptolemais where he visits with brethren. He then goes to Caesarea and stays with Philip the evangelist.
Paul then leaves Caesarea and arrives in Jerusalem likely around Pentecost (May 21).
Acts 21:17 - 23:35
Pentecost to Early Summer 58 A.D.
Paul's appearance at Jerusalem's temple is noticed by Jews who hate him. They cause a riot when they falsely accuse him of bringing a Gentile into the temple. The mob seizes the apostle, drags him out of the temple, and then begins beating him. Roman soldiers then arrive and save him from certain death!

Paul's speech to the mob (Acts 22:1 - 21) only enrages the rioters. He escapes a scourging by the Romans by informing them he is a Roman citizen. His explanation of himself to the Jewish Sanhedrin ends in chaos (23:1 - 10).
The Romans, tipped off that Jews were seeking to ambush and murder Paul, use troops to escort the apostle to Caesarea.
Acts 24 - 26
Early Summer 58 to Early Fall 60 A.D.
Paul is a Roman prisoner in Caesarea for two years, during which time he defends himself three times.
Luke has ready access to Paul during the apostle's imprisonment in Caesarea. He travels between Caesarea and Jerusalem collecting first person information about the events that took place in the early church. It is during this period that he begins writing the book of Acts under Paul's supervision.
Knowing he will never get a fair trial by the Jews, Paul appeals his case to Caesar (Emperor Claudius) in Rome.
Acts 27:1 - 28:16
Fall 60 to Early Spring 61 A.D.
Paul, along with other prisoners, is placed on a ship bound for Rome so that he can be tried by Caesar.
[How Many Times Was Paul Arrested?]
Paul's ship, near Cnidus, runs into contrary winds which forces it south to Crete. After anchoring a short time at Crete's Fair Havens harbor the ship tries to sail to Phoenix on the island's western side. A fierce storm, however, causes the ship to aimlessly drift for at least two weeks until it reaches Malta.
[Apostle Paul's Miracles on Malta]
Paul stays three months on the island of Malta. During his stay he miraculously survives a poisonous viper bite and heals those who are sick on the island (Acts 28:1 - 10). He then is placed on a boat and sails for Italy where he disembarks at Puteoli. From the city he is taken, as a prisoner, the remaining distance to Rome.
Acts 28:16 - 31
61 to 63 A.D.
Paul is a prisoner in Rome who is allowed to stay in a rented home with only a guard. He is also given the privilege of being able to receive visitors and continue preaching the gospel.
[How Long Was Paul in Prison?]
The book of Acts ends in 63 A.D. shortly before Paul is acquited and freed from his first imprisonment. Although Luke likely intended to add to Acts (Paul will live until May or June 68 A.D.) he is unable to do so.