Matthew 15
1. How many people did Jesus miraculously feed near Bethsaida (Matthew 14:13 - 21) and near the Sea of Galilee (15:32 - 38)? Answer
Matthew 16
2. What was the only sign Jesus offered religious leaders in regard to him being the Messiah? Answer
Matthew 17
3. Where did the Transfiguration take place? Answer
4. What was the tribute money Jesus miraculously paid for through a coin found in a fish's mouth? Answer
Matthew 18
5. How many times are we to forgive someone in a day? Answer
Matthew 19
6. What "works" are needed in order to be saved? Answer
Matthew 20
7. What is the main point of Jesus' teaching about how a person can be "great."? Answer
Matthew 21
8. What is so masterful about Jesus' response to the question of what was his authority to do various things (e.g. enter triumphantly into Jerusalem, cleanse the temple, etc.)? Answer
Matthew 22
9. Why is it ironic that the Sadducees would ask Jesus about marriage in the resurrection of the dead? Answer
Matthew 23
10. What did Jesus teach about religious titles? Answer
Matthew 24
11. Did Jesus reveal exactly when his Second Coming would take place? Answer
12. What will humans be doing before Christ's return? Answer
Matthew 26
13. How rare was the ointment used to anoint Jesus' head in Bethany? Answer
14. What's special about the 30 pieces of silver paid to have Judas betray Jesus? Answer
Matthew 27
15. What didn't Jesus drink gall mixed with vinegar (wine)? Answer
Matthew 28
16. How many times did Jesus appear alive after his resurrection? Answer
Matthew 15 Answers
1. Near Bethsaida the Bible says Jesus fed 5,000 men (Matthew 14:21) and 4,000 men near Galilee (15:38). However, in both cases, it states he also fed women and children. The actual number of folks he fed, in both cases, could easily be two, three or more times bigger than what was stated!
Matthew 16 Answers
2. Jesus only offered the sign of Jonah, three full nights dead in the heart of the earth (grave) before he would be resurrected.
[Was Jesus Dead for Three Full Days?]
Matthew 17 Answers
3. Jesus' Transfiguration took place near Caesarea Philippi on a mountain, which might have been Mount Hermon.
[Map of Where Transfiguration Took Place]
4. Tribute money was collected yearly to be used for maintaining Jerusalem's temple and its services. It was collected from every male Israelite that was at least 20 years old. The tribute was based on the collection of money delineated in Exodus 30:12 - 14.
Matthew 18 Answers
5. We are to forgive someone as many times as needed. Since God offers us unlimited forgiveness, we should do the same for others.
Matthew 19 Answers
6. Simply believing in Jesus is not enough for salvation! We must obey God and his laws, which builds righteous character in us. Jesus stated to a rich young ruler, "but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." (Matthew 19:17). Then, because the ruler was covetous of earthly riches, required him to give up his idol of wealth and follow him!
Matthew 20 Answers
7. In the past (and even today), the establishment of various forms of hierarchy was commonly used to rule over people and make them do the will of the "great ones." An early proponent of this system was Nimrod who, after the flood, was a "great one" who disobeyed God by building the tower of Babel (Genesis 11).
Those who wish to be "great" in God's sight cannot do so through vanity and ruling over people in a hierarchy. The greatest must be humble and be willing to serve all others (as opposed to being served).
Matthew 21 Answers
8. Jesus, throughout his ministry, was pestered by various Jewish religious leaders to give a sign or explain by what authority he said or did something (see John 2:18). His answer to religious leaders regarding his authority was brilliant, as he used their own political and duplicitous behavior against them.
The unwillingness of the religious leaders to give Jesus a straight answer regarding John the Baptist's authority proved they didn't deserve to have their question on Jesus' authority answered!
Matthew 22 Answers
9. The Sadducees believed and taught that there was no resurrection (verse 23).
[Best Bible Verses About Marriage]
Matthew 23 Answers
10. Jesus taught that religious titles such as Rabbi, Father, Master and so on should all be strictly and solely applied to Jesus and God the Father. NO MAN has been given the right to use such titles of religious authority for themselves (verse 8).
The use of the titles "father," "Holy Father" or even "Pope" commonly used in religious groups is clearly blasphemous and void of any Biblical support!
[Religious Titles and the Bible]
Matthew 24 Answers
11. Jesus did not reveal when he would return to earth.
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only (Matthew 24:36, KJV).
Jesus' words, not surprisingly, have not stopped some religious folks from claiming they know exactly when he will come back to earth. One religious preacher even claimed that although the day or hour of his coming is not known, it wasn't stated we couldn't figure out the month or year of his return!
[Violence in the Pre-Flood World!]
12. Jesus stated that before his return people would be acting like they did just before the flood.
Matthew 26 Answers
13. The ointment used to anoint Jesus was likely from the east and quite expensive. It likely cost the equivalent of one year's worth of wages for a common laborer.
14. The 30 pieces of silver given for Christ was a fulfillment of prophecy (Zechariah 11:12). It also represented the price paid by the owner of an animal who gored another person's slave to death. The animal owner paid the servant's master 30 pieces of silver (the common price of a slave) and also had to put down the animal (Exodus 21:32).
Matthew 27 Answers
15. The gall with wine (vinegar) mixture was offered to Jesus just before he was to be crucified. The concoction was commonly given to prisoners, before their execution, based on the belief that it would ease their suffering.
Gall, however, is a poison. Its bitter taste likely tipped Jesus off that it was more poison than painkiller. The Lord did not want to die from poisoning or have his senses numbed while being crucified.
[Why Did Jesus Refuse Gall with Wine?]
Matthew 28 Answers
16. Jesus appeared to various groups of people nine times before he ascended to heaven. The meeting in Galilee Jesus planned to carry out with his disciples was the sixth, not the first, appearance he made after his resurrection. His first appearance was to Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9).
[Jesus' Post-Resurrection Ministry!]