Exodus 31 to 40
Questions and Answers

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Test your knowledge of Scripture with Bible study questions, along with answers, on Exodus chapters 31 to 40!

Exodus 31

1. Who supervised the construction of the tabernacle in the wilderness? Answer

2. What is one of the reasons the Israelites were to observe the seventh day Sabbath? Answer

3. When did Sabbath keeping begin? Answer

4. How were the Ten Commandments preserved for the Israelites? Answer

Exodus 32

5. Why did the Israelites feel justified in creating a golden calf to worship? Answer

6. What was the primary sin Israel committed by creating the golden calf? Answer

7. Does the New Testament mention Israel's sin of the golden calf? Answer

8. What does it mean that the Israelites "rose up to play" after they made offerings and had a meal in celebration of the calf? Answer

9. Did God have other ways of fulfilling his promises to Abraham's descendants (Exodus 32:9 - 10)? Answer

10. How were the Israelites punished for their sins? Answer

Exodus 33

11. Who were the Israelites to conquer in order to take control of the Promised Land? Answer

12. Why did the people mourn (Exodus 33:4)? Answer

13. What does God's revealing of his glory to Moses tell us about what he looked like? Answer

Exodus 34

14. Why did God make two more tablets of stone with the Ten Commandments? Answer

15. Why did God warn the Israelites not to marry the inhabitants of the Promised Land? Answer

16. Which are the three main Biblical Feast Day periods mentioned in Exodus 34? Answer

17. How long was Moses with God in order to receive the commandments a second time? Answer

18. Why did Moses' face shine after receiving the Ten Commandments? Answer

Exodus 35

19. Where did Moses get all the materials needed to construct the tabernacle in the wilderness? Answer

20. When did the collection of materials and work to construct the tabernacle in the wilderness take place? Answer

Exodus 36

21. How much raw materials were donated by the Israelites for the building of the tabernacle? Answer

22. How big were the curtains made for the tabernacle (Exodus 36:9)? Answer

Exodus 37

23. What is the mercy seat? Answer

24. How heavy was a talent of gold (Exodus 37:24)? What is its value today? Answer

Exodus 38

25. What was the bekah offering each Israelites male, twenty years old or older, had to pay in support of the tabernacle (Exodus 38:26)? Answer

26. How many Israelite males paid the sanctuary (tabernacle) tax? Answer

Exodus 39

27. Did the Israelites obey God when it came to donating the materials and providing the work necessary for the wilderness tabernacle? Answer

Exodus 40

28. On what day was the tabernacle set up and dedicated to serve God? Answer

29. What was in the Ark of the Covenant? Answer

Exodus 31 Answers

1. God appointed two men to lead the effort to construct the wilderness tabernacle. Bezalel was appointed to have general oversight of the project and Oholiab was to be his assistant.

2. Sabbath keeping was (and still is) a sign between God's people and the Creator they serve.

[Why Sabbath on Sunday?]

Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations: that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you (Exodus 31:13).

3. Sabbath keeping started with "creation week" when God rested from his labors (Genesis 2:1 - 3).

It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed (Exodus 31:17).

4. Moses received the Ten Commandments written, by the hand of God, on two tables of stones. These stones were meant to be placed in the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:16).

Exodus 32 Answers

5. The Israelites felt that Moses' absence of several weeks meant that something had happened to him (Exodus 32:1). They then turned to Aaron, who was made leader of the people during Moses' time on the mount, and convinced him to make a golden calf.

The Adoration of the Golden Calf
The Adoration of the Golden Calf
Nicolas Poussin, c. 1634

6. The Israelites were committing the sin of idolatry (Exodus 20:4 - 5, 32:7 - 8) when they had a golden calf made for them to worship.

7. Stephen, in his address before the Sanhedrin prior to his martyrdom, mentions Israel's idolatrous sin with the calf they created.

To whom (Moses) our fathers would not obey, but thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt, saying unto Aaron, Make us gods to go before us: for as for this Moses, which brought us out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him.

And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands (Acts 7:39 - 41).

8. The Israelites, after indulging in feasting which included wine, are stated to have "rose up to play" (Exodus 32:6). The phrase seems to imply that part of the "playing" indulged in included illicit sexual behavior (immorality) which would have included adultery (the breaking of the seventh commandment, Exodus 20:7).

The dancing Moses witnessed when he came down off the mount was also sensual in nature (Exodus 32:19, 25) as such was common in idolatrous worship.

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9. God intended to fulfill his promises to Abraham's descendants (see Exodus 32:13) by leading all the tribes of Israel to the Promised Land. If, however, he would have killed them all due to their sins (verse 10), he still could have fulfilled his promises by making Moses, of the tribe of Levi, a great nation.

10. Moses punished the Israelites by first breaking the stone tablets that contained God's law (Exodus 32:19). He then, after the idol was burned and reduced to powder, scattered upon water and made the Israelites drink it (verse 20).

[Who Has God Personally Killed?]

Moses then had the sons of Levi, who had not been involved with worshipping the calf, kill anyone they could find who still persisted in idolatry. The Levities ended up killing 3,000 people (Exodus 32:26 - 28). God, at an unknown time later, also caused a plague to come upon those who sinned (verse 35).

Exodus 33 Answers

11. The nations the Israelites were to conquer to receive their land inheritance were the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. The Jebusites are of special note as they were the people who lived in and around Jebus which would later become Jerusalem.

12. The people mourned because God stated he would no longer personally lead them but would have an angel do so (Exodus 33:2 - 3).

[Who Is the Angel of the Lord?]

13. God showed his glory to Moses by walking past him and allowing only his back parts to be seen (Exodus 33:20 -23). This revealed God has a head, face, arms and hands, legs, feet and back parts just like a human. This should come as no surprise as the Lord made humans to look just like him (Genesis 1:26 - 27).

Exodus 34 Answers

14. God had to create a second set of tablets with the commandments since Moses broke the first pair (Exodus 32:19).

15. Those who lived in the Promised Land before the Israelites arrived indulged in worshipping pagan gods. God warned his people, especially the males, not to marry those who practiced idolatry for two primary reasons.

[Did Israel Rule All the Promised Land?]

The first reason was to avoid being influenced by the ways pagans worshipped their gods and inculcating their practices into the worship of the true God. The second reason was to avoid the temptation of rejecting the Lord which would lead to wholeheartedly pursuing false deities.

The avoidance of changing how God was worshipped, or even rejecting him entirely, is why Israel was commanded to completely destroy the idolatry they would find (Exodus 34:11 - 16).

16. The first Biblical Holy (Feast) period found in Exodus 34 is the Feast of Unleavened Bread (verse 18). This feast is usually observed in March or April each year.

The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), which takes place when the firstfruits of the wheat harvest comes in (Exodus 34:22), occurs in May or June.

[Jesus and God's Feast Days]

The Feast of Ingathering (Tabernacles), during the fall harvest season, is observed annually either in September or October based on the Biblical calendar.

17. Moses was in the presence of God for 40 days and nights to receive the Ten Commandments a second time.

18. Moses' face shined due to being in the presence of God's holiness. After He was made aware his face shined he covered it with a veil (Exodus 34:33, 2Corinthians 3:13).

Exodus 35 Answers

19. Moses asked the children of Israel to donate gold, silver, bronze, thread, fine linen and a host of other materials in order to build and furnish the tabernacle (Exodus 35:4 - 9). He also called for and used countless volunteers to make the tent, covering, clasps, tables, lampstand and other furnishings needed (verses 10 - 19).

[How Will Silver Fulfill Prophecy?]

20. Our timeline of Moses' life places the collection and construction of the wilderness tabernacle between July 1445 and March 1444 B.C.

Exodus 36 Answers

21. The number of materials donated for the construction of the tabernacle was so great that the people had to be restrained from giving (Exodus 36:3, 5 - 7)!

22. The length of the curtains used in the tabernacle were 28 cubits high and 4 cubits wide. The length of a cubit, since it was based on the distance between the tip of a man's middle finger and his elbow, could vary.

[Weights and Measures in Scripture]

If we conservatively assume a cubit length of 18 inches, the curtains were 504 inches high (42 feet or 12.8 meters) and 72 inches (6 feet or 1.8 meters) wide.

Exodus 37 Answers

23. The mercy seat is the name of the lid (cover) placed on the Ark of the Covenant. It was made of gold and had a cherub attached to it on either end. Once a year, on the Day of Atonement, the High Priest would sprinkle blood on the mercy seat to make atonement for the sins of the people of Israel (Leviticus 16:14 - 16).

24. A talent is a common Biblical weight also used to value money. A talent weighed roughly 75 U.S. pounds (34.3 kilograms). In modern terms, a talent contained 1,094 troy ounces. A troy ounce is used to price precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum.

If we assume a value of $2,500 U.S. per troy ounce of gold, a talent of the metal would be today worth $2,735,000!

Exodus 38 Answers

25. The English word "bekah" is found only in Exodus 38:26. A bekah was a unit of money that was equal to half a shekel, which meant it weighed .2 ounces (5.7 grams).

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26. There were 603,550 males (Exodus 38:26) that paid the tabernacle tax. This number was determined during the first census Moses took of the people (30:11 - 16).

Exodus 39 Answers

27. The Israelites fulfilled all that was required to construct God's wilderness tabernacle.

According to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so the children of Israel made all the work. And Moses did look upon all the work, and, behold, they had done it as the LORD had commanded, even so had they done it: and Moses blessed them (Exodus 39:42 - 43).

Exodus 40 Answers

28. The tabernacle in the wilderness was set up and anointed for serving God on the first day of the first month of the second year after leaving Egypt (Exodus 40:1 - 2, 17). This date, Nisan (Abib) 1 in Hebrew civil year 2317, corresponds to March 18 in 1444 B.C. This day was the weekly Sabbath.

29. The Ark of the Covenant contained the Ten Commandments which were on two stones tablets written on both sides (Exodus 32:15).

[Israel's Wilderness Camp Picture]

A golden pot which contained manna, used to feed the Israelites for 40 years, was also in the ark (Exodus 16:33, Hebrews 9:4). Additionally, Aaron's rod that budded was in the holy container.

And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all: Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant (Hebrews 9:3 - 4).

Ex. 1 to 10 Outline   -   Ex. 11 to 20 Outline

Ex. 21 to 30 Outline   -   Ex. 31 to 40 Outline

Ex. 1 to 10 Q's   -   Ex. 11 to 20 Q's

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Outlines of Bible Books
Genesis  -  Exodus  -  Leviticus
Numbers  -  Deuteronomy  -  Joshua
Judges  -  Ruth  -  1Samuel
2Samuel  -  1Kings  -  2Kings
1Chronicles  -  2Chronicles  -  Ezra
Nehemiah  -  Esther  -  Job
Psalms  -  Proverbs  -  Ecclesiastes
Song of Solomon  -  Isaiah  -  Jeremiah
Lamentations  -  Ezekiel  -  Daniel
Hosea  -  Joel  -  Amos
Obadiah  -  Jonah  -  Micah
Nahum  -  Habakkuk  -  Zephaniah
Haggai  -  Zechariah  -  Malachi
Matthew  -  Mark  -  Luke
John  -  Acts  -  Romans
1Corinthians  -  2Corinthians
Galatians  -  Ephesians  -  Philippians
1Thessalonians  -  2Thessalonians
1Timothy  -  2Timothy
Titus  -  Philemon  -  Hebrews
James  -  1Peter  -  2Peter
1John  -  2John  -  3John
Jude  -  Revelation

Series References

Adam Clarke's
Antiquities of the Jews
by Josephus
Bible Background
Bible Knowledge
Bible Reader's
Bible Trivia
Biblical Basis for
Modern Science
CIA Factbook
Complete Book
of Bible Lists
Encyclopedia of
Bible Facts
Figures of Speech
in the Bible
Foxe's Book
of Martyrs
Holman Concise
Bible Commentary
Holy Bible,
a Faithful Version
The Teacher's
Who's Who
in the Bible
Wiersbe Expository
Willmington's Guide
to Bible Knowledge
Willmington's Guide to
People in the Bible