Revelation 12 to 22 Outline

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Revelation 1 to 11 Outline
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The Biblical outline of the book of Revelation continues with chapter 12.

Revelation 12 to 22 Outline

Chpt. 12: Revelation 12 opens with highly symbolic people, animals and objects used to convey the protection of Jesus and the church by God (verses 1 to 6).

[Symbolism in the Bible]

A spiritual war takes place in heaven between Michael and his angels verses the devil and his demons. The war leads to Satan and his demons being permanently banned from God's throne. The devil, after being cast down to earth, starts his fiercest persecution of Christians.

Chpt. 13: A great beast with seven heads and ten horns, with each horn having a crown, is revealed. Revelation's end time Beast (possessed by the devil) will rule the whole earth and institute a special "mark" to designate those who worship him. Those without this "mark" will be unable to "buy or sell" and will be eventually killed.

[What Is the Mark of the Beast?]

Chpt. 14: A group of 144,000 converted people, led by Jesus, sing a unique song of praise to God. An angel is then commissioned to preach the everlasting gospel to all humanity. Another angel then proclaims that Babylon has fallen. A third angel proclaims God's wrath on all those who continue to disobey him.

Chpt. 15: Those who overcome the Beast through obedience to God are revealed standing on a heavenly sea of glass. Seven angels are given seven golden vials which represent the seven last plagues to come upon the earth.

[Who Are the 144,000?]

Chpt. 16: Revelation 15's seven angels pour out their vials of God's wrath upon the earth.

The first vial brings grievous sores on those who worship the Beast power. The second vial, emptied into the sea, causes all sea life to die. The third vial turns rivers and springs of water into blood.

The fourth vial is poured on the sun which causes it to burn humans. The fifth vial, dispersed over the Beast's throne, causes his kingdom to go dark.

The sixth vial, when poured into the Euphrates River, dries it up for the purpose of allowing a mighty army "from the east" to cross it. Three powerful demonic spirits are also freed and allowed to work miracles and deceive the world into battling a returning Christ at a place called Armageddon.

When the seventh vial is poured out an angel, from God's heavenly temple, shouts "It is Finished!" The vial also causes lightning, huge hail and the greatest earthquake humanity has ever experienced!

[Map of Where Euphrates River Located]

Chpt. 17: An angel reveals an image of a great whore riding a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns, as well as blasphemous names written on it. The woman riding the beast has written on her forehead, "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS . . ." (Revelation 17:5). The remaining part of chapter 17 explains the meaning of the seven heads and ten horns.

Chpt. 18: An angel declares that Babylon the Great has fallen. Another angelic being pleads with humanity to repent so as to not experience the same punishments as Babylon.

Verses 6 to 19 of Revelation 18 then delineates the punishments of Babylon along with the loss the world's wealthy will experience when its world-ruling system is destroyed! The remaining part of the chapter describes how complete and eternal God's judgment upon Babylon the Great will be.

Chpt. 19: Great rejoicing is experienced in heaven when God finally judges the great whore of Babylon. Revelation then announces that the marriage supper of the Lamb will take place. Verse 11 to the end of the chapter heralds the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. After the Lord completely conquers earth's armies, he has the Beast and False Prophet destroyed in the lake of fire.

[What Is the Millennium?]

Chpt. 20: An angel grabs Satan the devil and throws him into a spiritual prison where he will be unable to deceive anyone for 1,000 years. Those who are in the first resurrection of the dead are shown receiving thrones. The chapter also reveals there will be a second resurrection of the dead which will take place 1,000 years in the future.

[What Is the First Resurrection?]

[What Does Satan the Devil Want?]

Satan is loosed after 1,000 years and allowed to deceive humanity one last time. After his failed attempt to destroy Jerusalem, he and his demons are thrown into the lake of fire.

After the devil perishes the Great White Throne Judgment takes place. The lake of fire, also known as the second death, is then used to destroy all those who are not in the book of life (see also Revelation 21:8). The last thing thrown into its fires is death itself.

Chpt. 21: God creates a new heaven, a new earth, and a New Jerusalem. An angel then gives the Apostle John a tour of the New Jerusalem.

[Will There Be Heaven on Earth?]

[Will We Know Our Loved Ones in Heaven?]

Chpt. 22: A crystal-clear river is revealed to John proceeding out of God's throne. On each side of the river will be the tree of life that will bear fruits for the healing of the nations. The Bible then reiterates that only those who obey God, meaning keeping the Ten Commandments (verse 14), will exist into eternity. God lastly offers one final appeal for humanity to come to him so that they may live.

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2Samuel  -  1Kings  -  2Kings
1Chronicles  -  2Chronicles  -  Ezra
Nehemiah  -  Esther  -  Job
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John  -  Acts  -  Romans
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Titus  -  Philemon  -  Hebrews
James  -  1Peter  -  2Peter
1John  -  2John  -  3John
Jude  -  Revelation

Series References

Adam Clarke's
Antiquities of the Jews
by Josephus
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Biblical Basis for
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CIA Factbook
Complete Book
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Encyclopedia of
Bible Facts
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in the Bible
Foxe's Book
of Martyrs
Holman Concise
Bible Commentary
Holy Bible,
a Faithful Version
The Teacher's
Who's Who
in the Bible
Wiersbe Expository
Willmington's Guide
to Bible Knowledge
Willmington's Guide to
People in the Bible