Matthew 15 to 28 Outline

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The Biblical outline of the book of Matthew continues with chapter 15.

Matthew 15 to 28 Outline

Chpt. 15: Jesus sternly rebukes Jewish religious leaders for following their own traditions instead of obeying God's laws.

[Are the Commandments Still Relevant?]

The Lord heals a Canaanite woman's daughter after her persistence to have her made well. He then miraculously feeds 4,000 men and an untold number of women and children.

Chpt. 16: Jesus rebukes foolish religious leaders who try to tempt him. He then warns the disciples about their vain doctrines. God reveals to Peter Jesus' true identity. The Lord then teaches he will build his church upon himself (and not any man).

Peter, acting in his usually impulsive manner, chides Christ for stating he will soon suffer and die in Jerusalem. Jesus, in return, rebukes Peter for his carnal view about his purpose and mission.

Jesus teaches those who follow him must deny themselves and be willing to bear life's trials and troubles as they do so.

Chpt. 17: Jesus takes Peter, James and John up a high mountain (Matthew 17:1 - 9). He then, in a vision, shows them his spiritual glory as a member of the Godhead (2Peter 1:16 - 17)!

Jesus casts a demon out of a young boy then explains why his disciples couldn't cast it out. The Lord miraculously produces a coin in a fish's mouth in order to pay his and Peter's tribute money paid to Jerusalem's temple (Exodus 30:12 - 14).

[Money and the Temple]

Chpt. 18: Jesus teaches Christians must ultimately become as humble, teachable and obedient as a little child.

The Lord gives the lost sheep parable then discusses how to solve problems between believers. Peter offers to forgive someone 7 times in a day but Christ informs him it should be unlimited! This point is further enforced by the teaching our sins wont be forgiven by God if we dont forgive each other.

[The Numbers of Forgiveness!]

Chpt. 19: The Lord teaches about divorce then blesses little children.

Jesus asserts only God, at that time he spoke, is sealed sinless and good. His offer to a rich young ruler to follow him is rejected. The parable of a camel going through the eye of a needle is given. It is revealed to the disciples what part of their reward will be in the resurrection as well as the reward for anyone who gives up all to follow the truth.

[Camel through Eye of a Needle Meaning]

Chpt. 20: The parable of the laborers in the vineyard is given. The mother of James and John petitions Christ to have her two sons sit next to him in his kingdom. Jesus condemns the concept that being "great" means ruling over others by stating the greatest in his kingdom are those who selflessly serve others.

Two blind men, sitting next to a Jericho road, are healed of their blindness.

Chpt. 21: Two disciples are sent into Bethphage to get a colt which Jesus will use to make his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Upon entering Jerusalem he purifies the temple but throwing out the moneychangers.

[Where Is Bethphage Located?]

Back in Jerusalem the next day, Jesus curses a fig tree. He then responds to a questioning of his authority by asking where John the Baptist's ministry was inspired by God or not.

Jesus gives the parables of the two sons and a homeowner expecting to receive fruit from his vineyard. He then condemns Jewish religious leaders for rejecting the true cornerstone of God's kingdom.

Chpt. 22: Jesus gives the parable of the marriage feast. Jewish religious leaders, who reject him, continue to conspire to entrap him in his words. The Pharisees send their disciples and the Herodians to ask him about paying taxes to Caesar. After his answer silences them, the Sadducees launch their attempt by asking which of seven men a woman had married would be her husband in the resurrection. Jesus' answer to the Sadducees' question silences them as well.

The Pharisees then launch their direct assault on trying to trip up Christ in his words. After Jesus correctly answers their question concerning the greatest commandment, he asks them a question about David's Lord and Son that baffles them. This finally stops the attempts of the Pharisees to entrap Christ!

[How Is David's Lord Also His Son?]

Chpt. 23: Jesus warns the multitudes at Jerusalem's temple that Jewish religious leaders do not practice what Scripture teaches and warns of their vanity. The Lord then begins a scathing rebuke of the leaders by labeling them hypocrites and listing several of their sinful practices.

[Where Was the Temple Located?]

Jesus closes his criticisms by bemoaning Jerusalem's willingness to kill the righteous people sent to them by God.

Chpt. 24: The disciples ask Jesus what will be the signs that will herald the end time and his return to earth. Jesus then launches into his Olivet prophecies where he lists several things that will occur before his Second Coming.

Christ, at the end of his discourse, warns Christians that they should always be faithfully serving God.

Chpt. 25: Jesus gives the parables of the ten virgins and the talents to symbolize different aspects of the Kingdom of God. He then offers the parable of the sheep and goats.

[What Is the Kingdom of God?]

Chpt. 26: The Lord informs his disciples that he will die on Passover. While he is staying at a house in Bethany a woman anoints his head with expensive ointment. Judas Iscariot arranges to be paid thirty pieces of silver to betray Christ.

Jesus, after preparations for the Passover are completed, partakes of one last ceremony with his twelve disciples. During the meal the Lord institutes the washing of feet, as well as the taking of unleavened bread and wine, as a memorial to be carried out yearly in remembrance of his sacrifice. The bread and wine also symbolize the New Covenant between God and man.

During his final meal he signals who will betray him by giving him the "sop" or choice bread dipped in sauce given by the meal's host.

[The Life of Judas]

[Seating at the Last Passover]

Jesus and the disciples leave for the Mount of Olives where they wait for the Lord to be arrested. Peter's denial of Christ is predicted. During Jesus' arrest the disciples flee for their lives.

The Lord is taken to the house of the High Priest where the Sanhedrin is also gathered to question him. Several false witnesses testify against Christ. Jesus then admits he is the Son of God after the High Priest adjures him to tell the truth. The gathered leaders agree that he should be put to death. Peter denies the Lord three times as was predicted.

Chpt. 27: Jesus is delivered by the religious leaders to Pontius Pilate. Judas commits suicide. Pilate interrogates the Lord then offers to release Barabbas or him. Barabbas is freed while Jesus is tortured, mocked and taken to Golgotha to die.

[What Does Golgotha Look Like?]

[Did Anyone Think Jesus Was Innocent?]

[What Does the Temple Veil Torn Symbolize?]

Christ, while being crucified, is mocked. He makes one last cry to God then dies. The temple veil then miraculously splits in two. In the evening the Lord's body is wrapped in cloth and placed in a new tomb. The next day (Thursday), the religious leaders get permission from Pilate to secure the tomb.

Chpt. 28: Late on the Sabbath day (late Saturday before sunset) two women check on Jesus' tomb. Early the next morning it is discover the Lord had already been resurrected

Those who guarded the tomb report back to Jewish religious leaders and tell them what happened. The leaders decide to bribe the guards so that they tell everyone the lie that Jesus' body was stolen during the night!

Jesus eventually meets with his disciples in Galilee. The disciples are commissioned to preach the gopsel to the world.

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Matthew 15 to 28 Questions

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Genesis  -  Exodus  -  Leviticus
Numbers  -  Deuteronomy  -  Joshua
Judges  -  Ruth  -  1Samuel
2Samuel  -  1Kings  -  2Kings
1Chronicles  -  2Chronicles  -  Ezra
Nehemiah  -  Esther  -  Job
Psalms  -  Proverbs  -  Ecclesiastes
Song of Solomon  -  Isaiah  -  Jeremiah
Lamentations  -  Ezekiel  -  Daniel
Hosea  -  Joel  -  Amos
Obadiah  -  Jonah  -  Micah
Nahum  -  Habakkuk  -  Zephaniah
Haggai  -  Zechariah  -  Malachi
Matthew  -  Mark  -  Luke
John  -  Acts  -  Romans
1Corinthians  -  2Corinthians
Galatians  -  Ephesians  -  Philippians
1Thessalonians  -  2Thessalonians
1Timothy  -  2Timothy
Titus  -  Philemon  -  Hebrews
James  -  1Peter  -  2Peter
1John  -  2John  -  3John
Jude  -  Revelation

Series References

Adam Clarke's
Antiquities of the Jews
by Josephus
Bible Background
Bible Knowledge
Bible Reader's
Bible Trivia
Biblical Basis for
Modern Science
CIA Factbook
Complete Book
of Bible Lists
Encyclopedia of
Bible Facts
Figures of Speech
in the Bible
Foxe's Book
of Martyrs
Holman Concise
Bible Commentary
Holy Bible,
a Faithful Version
The Teacher's
Who's Who
in the Bible
Wiersbe Expository
Willmington's Guide
to Bible Knowledge
Willmington's Guide to
People in the Bible