Daniel to Gideon

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This page lists brief information on important Old Testament people. The individuals on this page include the prophet Daniel, King David, Deborah, Delilah, Elijah, Elisha, Enoch, Esther, Eve, Ezekiel, Gideon and others.

1Chronicles 3:1, Ezra 8:2, Nehemiah 10:6, Ezekiel 14:14, etc.

Daniel was a descendent of a noble Jewish family who was taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon when he conquered Judah. He was highly likely a eunuch or was made one after being captured. He became a chief advisor to the king and eventually was made third ruler of the kingdom (Daniel 5).

God gave Daniel the ability to interpret dreams. He survived being thrown in lion's den (Daniel 6). He was blessed with prophecies that foretold of future world empires leading up to the return of Christ. Please see our article dedicated to Daniel for more information.

Darius I the Great
Ezra 4:5, 24, 5:5 - 7, 6:1 - 15, Nehemiah 12:22, etc.

The rebuilding of Jerusalem and its temple began under Persian King Cyrus the Great in 539 B.C. (Ezra 1:1 - 4). The work on rebuilding the temple was completed under Darius I (521 - 486 B.C.) in 516.

David Playing the Harp
David Playing the Harp
Jan de Bray, 1670

Ruth 4:17, 22, 1Samuel 16:13 - 23, 17:12 - 58, etc.

David was the youngest son of Jesse. Anointed by the prophet Samuel, David would become the greatest king of Israel. As a young man he killed Goliath the giant. He would ultimately win many military battles against Israel's enemies leading to an expansion of the kingdom. After become king of all the tribes of Israel he conquered Jebus, which was renamed Jerusalem, and made it his capital. David was king over the tribe of Judah for seven and one half years followed by thirty-three years of rule over all of God's people. Please see our article dedicated to David for more information.

Please also see our charts showing Jesus' royal lineage from David and his bloodline from the king to his mother Mary!

Genesis 35:8, Judges 4 - 5

Deborah was a prophetess who, with the help of Barak, freed Israel from the oppression brought by the King of Canaan. She is the only female to serve as a Judge of Israel. Deborah and Barak served together as Israel's Judges for 40 years (Judges 4 - 5).

Judges 16

Philistine harlot who was bribed to entice Samson, who was under a Nazarite vow, to reveal the secret of his strength. Her cutting of Samson's hair allowed the Philistines to bind and arrest him.

The Capture of Samson
The Capture of Samson
Christiaen van Couwenbergh, 1630

1Samuel 1 - 4, 14:3, 1Kings 2:27

High Priest who judged Israel 40 years after death of Samson. He taught a very young Samuel who would grow up to be a great prophet.

1Kings 17 - 19, 21:17 - 28, 2Kings 1 - 2, 3:11, etc.

Elijah is considered the quintessential Old Testament prophet (Luke 9:30). He warned and punished King Ahab, considered the worst of Israel's kings, for his sins. One of his hallmark miracles was raising a widow's son from the dead. Elijah confrontation with Israel's false prophets which ended in their death.

After Elijah flees death threats from Jezebel he is told to anoint two kings and make Elisha his successor. A heavenly provided chariot of fire miraculously took him to a safe location in the sight of him to a location away from Elisha. Please see our article on Elijah for more information.

1Kings 19:16 - 19, 2Kings 2 - 9, 13:14 - 21

Elisha was Elijah's prophetic successor. He received "a double portion" of Elijah's spirit after seeing his mentor leave him in a fiery chariot. Elisha brought back to life a child who died in a farming accident. After his death his bones brought back to life a dead man whose corpse had accidently touched his! Please see our article on Elisha for more information.

Genesis 4:17 - 18, 5:18 - 24, Luke 3:37, Hebrews 11:5, Jude 1:14

There are at least two "Enochs" in Scripture. The first is the eldest son of Cain (Genesis 4:17). The second Enoch is the son of Jared (Genesis 5:18) and father of Methuselah (verse 21), the oldest person who ever lived (969 years). This Enoch was 365 years old when God "translated" him, meaning He moved him miraculously to another place on earth to (likely) avoid being killed.

Genesis 25:25 - 34, 26:34, 27:1 - 42, 28:5 - 9, etc.

Esau is also called Edom. He was born, along with his twin brother Jacob, to Isaac and Rebekah. He is known for selling his birthright, and the blessings that came with it, for a bowl of lentil soup. He founded the nation known as the Edomites. Please see our article on Esau for more information.

Book of Esther

Queen Esther was the Jewish wife of a Persian king. Told by Mordecai of plot to destroy all the Jews in the kingdom. Foils plot by Haman to kill Mordecai and all the Jews. The Jewish festival of Purim celebrates the events listed her book. Access our in-depth study of the Old Testament book Esther wrote, one of only two Scriptural writings penned by women! Please see our article on Esther for more information.

Queen Esther
Queen Esther
Andrea Del Castagno, c. 1450

Genesis 3:20, 4:1, 2Corinthians 11:3, 1Timothy 2:13

Eve, the first woman, was created from one of Adam's ribs taken by God. Her name was given her by Adam after both of them sinned by eating from tree of good and evil (Genesis 3). She gave birth to Cain, Abel, Seth, and many other children.

Ezekiel 1:3, 24:24

Ezekiel is one of the Bible's major prophets. He was taken into Babylonian captivity by King Nebuchadnezzar. Ezekiel is known for his "'wheel in the middle of a wheel" vision and his detailed descriptions of God's throne. Learn more about this prophet in our detailed study of Ezekiel's life!

1Chronicles 4:17, Ezra 7, 10, Nehemiah 8, 12

Ezra was an Aaronic priest who led the effort, along with the Great Synagogue, to collect and canonize the writings that would become our Old Testament. His efforts produced a set of Scriptures divided up as the Law, the Prophets and the Writings.

Gideon going into battle
Gideon going into battle

Judges 6 - 8, Hebrews 11:32

Gideon was called by God to deliver Israel from Midianite and Amalekite oppression. Took 300 men and surrounded the camp of Israel's enemies (Judges 7). After all the men blew trumpets and broke pitchers with torches in them the enemy became confused and fought amongst themselves. Gideon served 40 years as Israel's judge.

For more information on this fascinating Biblical person see our article detailing Gideon's life as well as our map of his famous battles!

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Biblical Groups
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Arabians   -   Assyrians
Babylonians   -   Canaanites
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Moabites   -   Perizzites
Persians   -   Philistines
Phoenicians   -   Samaritans

Series References
1913 Catholic Encyclopedia
Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus
Complete Book of Who's Who in the Bible
Foxe's Book of Martyrs
Hitchcock's Bible Names
Holman Bible Dictionary
Holy Bible, a Faithful Version
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia